Creature Maker: Potential way to create Reactive Abilities
under review
Apophenia Alt
Merged in a post:
Reactives and Enhancements.
Chase Britton
It would be nice if when making a Unique or Apex creature, the creator can add a custom reactive. It would also be nice if the enhancements when using a Unique or Apex the enhancements could be applied to the creature for pvp purposes. while on the topic of reactives, it would be nice if the Uniques or Apexes could use their reactives when in the pvp simulator, for the current creatures in the game and custom creatures.
Apophenia Alt
Merged in a post:
JWA Creature Maker Improvements
Lakshya Dhondge
This only applies to uniques, being able to add and create reactive abilities for custom creatures, and being able to edit enhancements for them as well. Would be fun.
Apophenia Alt
Merged in a post:
The "Reactive" trigger filter on custom abilities.
Elme Jor
Should be deleted, honestly.
I dont know whether its there on purpose or not, but its pretty pointless if we cant make reactives, due to how complicated would it be.
Apophenia Alt
under review
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Apophenia Alt: Are you, still working on it?
Dima Michilenko
Very well. You can create your own reactive abilities to that creature.