Increase Critical Hit Damage Cap
A while ago this concept was turned down because of 150+ only being reachable with training points. Now that Ovylenken is released, I think we should get an increase to at least 200%. IMO it should be set to like 500% just so that it's higher than you'd ever need it to be similar to speed, damage, and hp stat caps.
Apophenia Alt
Apophenia Alt
Merged in a post:
Expand critical damage levels above 150% in creature maker
Just expand the crit dmg lvls above 15%
The max should be set to something like 500% so that it exceeds anything that would ever show up in-game, similarly to the health, damage, and speed caps.
Tanycolagreus sp
Make the reactive mechanics in passives (only available in apex and uniques like in the game)