JWA Battle Simulator: Sandbox Mode
Skitter A035
Let us screw around with the battle engine to test different scenarios. Let us pick how many creatures are on the field at once, KOs to win, team size, as well as in-battle tweaks such as applying instant damage/healing, buffs and debuffs, etc. to test things out, like say labbing arena matchups…or just to mess around, say, what would happen if you put four Mortem Rexes against two raid bosses at once? Or just have said raid bosses fight each other? Or to see what happens when you put four commons up against an apex? The possibilities are endless. Hell, you could probably figure out a way to use the battle simulator to run a jurassic world tabletop game or something. Probably a stupid idea and would probably need the raid battle sim finished (like that’s ever gonna happen) for the underlying framework for fights larger than a 2v2.
Apophenia Alt
Merged in a post:
Strike Event Battle Simulator.
Just allows for players to make uneven teams of 1-4 creatures.
Apophenia Alt
Merged in a post:
Customizable Arena Simulator
When using the Arena Simulator you are forced to select 4 creatures per team. I would like that restriction to be customizable per team so it's faster to test scenarios like 2v2, 3v1, or 4v1.
(This is possible in JWA strike towers and campaign)